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Can Ayurvedic treatment help in Infertility?

 Can Ayurvedic treatment help in Infertility?

Infertility is a problem from which both men and women suffer. Fertility is a problem that affects 10 to 15% of Indian couples. According to the report, India's fertility rate has fallen from 2.2 to 2.0 in 2015 to 2021. In general, only 35% of women are held responsible for infertility prior to the test. However, in many cases, men account for 35% of the blame.

In many cases, up to 20% of men and women may be involved. There are many treatments available for the problem of infertility. But today we will know in this article whether the problem of infertility can be cured by Ayurvedic treatment.

Ayurveda is the science of life, to use a popular phrase. Ayurvedic medicine can treat infertility and solves the issue without surgery in a natural way. No matter how effective allopathic medicine is or how much attention is paid to illness management, it frequently raises its hand. Ayurveda, on the other hand, provides us with information on how to treat illnesses from their source. Ayurvedic herbal medication provides a 100% success rate. Even Medical Science has not been able to solve the issue of infertility with the same level of success as Ayurveda.

In terms of Ayurvedic medicine, Panchakarma and herbal remedies are used to treat infertility and prevent it. Infertility, physiological problems, and hormone imbalances are all treated with this therapy. The removal of pollutants from the body makes you feel more energetic. Panchakarma literally translates to five activities. Panchakarma's first stage requires you to Vaman in order to purify your body by removing toxins from your mouth. Virechana also goes through oilation and fomentation in the second stage. When practicing virechana, herbs are fed. Consequently, it helps to detoxify your intestines by removing toxins. The drug is injected into the body through the urethra or anus in the third stage of settling to treat the illness. To reach your rectum, it is given using liquids like milk, ghee, and oil. The drug is injected into your body through your nose in the fourth phase, known as nasya. It aids in clearing the upper portion of your body of toxins. The unclean blood in your body gets cleaned in the final and fifth stages of Raktamokshan. When it comes to shielding the body from illnesses brought on by a lack of nutrition, the raktamokshan procedure is quite successful. Rakatamokshan proves to be particularly good at defending the body against ailments brought on by toxins in blood.

Make modifications to your diet as well, such as including amla, pomegranate, seasonal foods, and fiber in your meals. You should also replace junk food with fruit once a day. Add flax seeds, figs, or dried fruits to your veggie source of protein if you're a vegetarian. Additionally, you should do yoga, which increases fertility. The details in this post are based on our discussion with Dr. Chanchal Sharma, Aasha Ayurveda. To find out the right dosage and how much to take, consult a doctor.

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